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A non-foaming interior shampoo recommended for use with extractors. This highly concentrated agent also makes an excellent pre-spray on tough, soiled areas. DYNAMIX is a highly concentrated carpet shampoo for use in the solution tank of carpet extractors. It contains a built in defoamer to prolong life of vacuum motors. Also contains a polymerized solution to help bind frayed carpet fibres back together. Use in a 1L spray bottle to pre-treat tough stained areas.

Key Features:

  • Highly concentrated (80:1)
  • Built in defoaming agent
  • Binds frayed fibres together

How to Use:

Never use Dynamix pure. Always dilute.

For Extractor: add DYNAMIX to your solution tank at the rate of 250ml to 20L of water (80:1)

Pre Spot: mix 4:1 in spray bottle and spray on the affected area, let soak for a few minutes, and extract as you normally would.


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